Thursday 3 January 2013

Chapter 59

Read this chapter carefully..... Which ending to the novel do you believe is the ending that fits the story best? Why?

Which is the better story?  :)

Chapter 58

Pip returns home with a sense of hope and a "sense of leaving arrogance and untruthfulness further and further behind". 

Pip's homecoming, however, is not what he hoped it would be. 

1)  How is Pip treated by the townsfolk upon his return? 

2)  What do you think would have happened if Pip would have told Joe about his intentions regarding Biddy while they were in London?

3)  Here is the part where it becomes crystal clear that this is a Bildungsroman. In what ways has Pip become a man and a true gentleman?

Chapter 57


1)  Another masterful writing job by Dickens here, as he has Pip drifting in and out of consciousness. What exactly does Dickens do to make this so realistic?

A very humorous description here of Joe writing a letter...and note the positive descriptions of their walks and rides.

2) Joe feels guilty about not being able to stop Mrs. Joe and the tickler, and he feels even more guilty because his attempts to stop her caused Pip to get even worse beatings. Is this guilt justified?

3)  Joe and Pip re-establish their connection.  But as Pip gains strength, Joe reverts to the way that he treated Pip when he was a gentleman until finally he leaves only with a note.  What might account for this behavior on Joe's part? 

4)  By the end of the chapter, Pip plans to ask Biddy to marry him.  If you were Biddy, what would you say?

Chapter 56


1)  Thirty-two people were sentenced to death in one session. Thirty-two! This would be a great argument against the death penalty. What are your thoughts on that punishment? What does Dickens seem to think of it?

2)  How do Pip's actions at the trial and at Magwitch's bedside show he has changed? 

3)  What will Pip do now that everything he has strived for is over?

Chapter 55

  Magwitch is taken to prison and Compeyson is confirmed dead.  All of Magwitch's assets are confiscated by the court, and Pip ensures that Magwitch will never know that his money is gone. 

1 )Why do you think that Pip does that? 

2) The wedding of Wemmick and Miss Skiffins is an amusing afair.  In what way is the wedding characteristic of the people who participate in it? 

3)  Why does Dickens put the wedding here?  What purpose does it serve? 


Chapter 54

And so....the great escape attempt to get Magwitch out of the county and out of danger. 

Your comments? 

Chapter 53

We probably could have predicted something bad was going to happen!

1)  While Pip is tied up and listening to the angry Orlick, he has some thoughts that are pretty revealing.  Pip thinks he's going to die....what is it that he wants? 

2)  Your comments on this chapter? 

Bonus point for anyone who can tell us what a sluice house is.