Thursday 3 January 2013

Chapter 55

  Magwitch is taken to prison and Compeyson is confirmed dead.  All of Magwitch's assets are confiscated by the court, and Pip ensures that Magwitch will never know that his money is gone. 

1 )Why do you think that Pip does that? 

2) The wedding of Wemmick and Miss Skiffins is an amusing afair.  In what way is the wedding characteristic of the people who participate in it? 

3)  Why does Dickens put the wedding here?  What purpose does it serve? 


1 comment:

  1. 3) After so many chapters of seriousness, there can only be so much doom and gloom before a reader pits the book down, in order to take a breather because things are escalating so fast, only to never pick it up again. It's happened to me before...

    The "amusing" wedding (I didn't find it that funny, honestly. Perhaps it was just teh wording or the narrative.) The wedding generally is the to show that thee are in fact good things in the world, no matter how dark the world may be for you. It essentially is telling Pip that he needs to look on the brighter side of things, and think a bit more positively! Another reason is to remind us that Wemmick isn't as stoic and uptight as he appears in the office. I still get vibes from Eemmick that he's unapproachable, despite knowing the two sides to him.


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