As Pip and Herbert come to terms with their unwanted visitor, we get Able Magwitch's backstory.
1) What kind of person is Magwitch based on both his past and present actions?
2) Jaggers is very careful with his words when he speaks with Pip, and he makes
sure Pip is very careful with his words, as well. What more does this exchange
tell us about Jaggers' character?
3) Pip is the novel's narrator, but Magwitch is the narrator of his own story. Is
Magwitch a reliable narrator? If so, what evidence can you give to support that?
If not, why not?
4) How do you account for the difference in the way the justice system treats Magwitch and Compeyson?
5) Who is Arthur?
5) Arthur is Miss Havisham's brother who wanted Miss Havisham's money so he and Compeyson made a plan to somehow receive that money. Compeyson was the man who ditched Miss Havisham when they were about to marry and made Miss Havisham angry at men which influenced her to raise Estella to have a "cold heart".