Sunday 30 December 2012

Chapter 38

Pip's obsession with Estella continues.  He says of her that "I hever had one hour's happiness in her society, and yet my mind all round the four-and-twenty hours were harping on the happiness of having her with me unto death" (326). 

1)  Despite the fact that Estella gives Pip no encouragement, and even warns him about her cold heart.....he persists. What do you think causes a person to love someone who doesn't love them back?  What other stories, movies, myths etc have you seen or read that explore this kind of love? 

2)  Is Pip correct in his thinking -- that he is chosen by Miss Havisham, and that makes Estalla more able to break the hearts of other men because she is untouchable?

3) It seems that Miss Havisham really has made a heartless monster of Estella. Are Estella's logical analogies true? Is it possible for a human to feel no love for another?  Is there any evidence in the chapter that suggests Miss Havisham and Estella are not as cold hearted as they claim/appear to be?

4)  The last paragraph of the chapter describes an event.  What kind of event is it?  Where have we seen this motif before?  You can probably guess what literary technique is at work here....can you predict what will happen? 

1 comment:

  1. 1) I think that a person will keep on trying and trying to chase after the person they love maybe because of many different reasons such as curiosity, beauty, and personality. For Pip and Estella however, it is her charm and her mysteriousness that pulls him in. This is also clearly a very one sided love story. Pip sees a certain charm in her and cannot seem to forget about.
    Another book that shows a one sided love with one of the characters obsessed with the other is No One Else can Have You. This is a book about a girls best friend that is murdered and she tries to solve who killed her. The murderer is actually the girls friend who was in love and obsessed with the victim. The victim also played with the guys emotions and kept on pulling him in. These two books also have the girl using the guy to get other guys attention and make them jealous. This is what ended up getting the girl murdered in this book. This is the main difference between the books. This man kills the girl where as Pip knows where he stands.


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