Sunday 30 December 2012

Chapter 45- 46

Pip returns to London only to find the warning "Don't Go Home".  He spends a mostly sleepless night at the Hummums.....which is actually a pretty famous place in London.....can you find anything out about it? 

Dickens does a nice job of capturing Pip's uneasy state of mind and his inability to sleep. Ever been unable to shut your brain off so you can sleep? I think Dickens did this very well.

1) Pip finds himself in an entirely new setting here. What does the setting described by Pip suggest? In other words, what does the setting symbolize here?

2) Pip, Herbert and Wemmick are going to an awful lot of trouble to ensure the safety of Magwitch.  Why do you think that is?  Do they have different motivations? 

3)  Who do you think the mysterious man who appears to be skulking about is?


  1. The hummums was an establishment that lasted for close to three centuries. It remains one of the most interesting aspects of london, as it constantly changed from a turkish bathhouse, to a hotel, and even a brothel.

  2. 3) I think the mysterious figure is Compeyson. I believe this because Wemmick said in Chapter 45 that Compeyson was still alive and in London. Wemmick also knew that "[Pip] at [his] chambers in Garden Court, Temple, had been watched, and might be watched again" (Dickens 370). The man Pip saw "crouching in a corner" (326) might have been Compeyson watching him and Provis. Compeyson might be following Provis from the prison to Pip and Herbert's place and might still be following him to Clara's since Wemmick said Compeyson was pursueing Magwitch. Compeyson might be seeking revenge on Provis for whatever he did to him in the prison.


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